In today’s digital age, good copywriting and content marketing can help you attract, engage and convert web visitors to paying customers. As the demand for such services increases, so does the supply of individuals looking to take advantage of this opportunity to make a quick buck.

But choosing the cheaper and faster option often means compromising the quality of content produced. Without the help of a professional writing team, there is a likelihood of your website plummeting in search engine rankings. Your decision to skimp on high-quality content and copywriting may even cost you your credibility in the long run.


Cheap writers hardly bother with research

Ever wondered how individuals on online job marketplaces can afford to charge $5 for a 1000-word article? That’s because their strategy is to make money from selling a high volume of content pieces. The more articles written, the more money they make.

Based on this strategy, it is more appealing to hastily write 2 articles within an hour and earn $10, than to write 1 well-researched piece and earn only $5.

We all know that research is difficult and time-intensive. Finding credible sources and statistics to back up a claim can take hours, sometimes even days. Not all writers will feel that they have an obligation to do their due diligence – but the good ones will.


Cheap writers may produce content that violates Google’s guidelines 

Hired writers know they are expected to produce articles that rank well and bring in traffic to your website.

But be careful. If you are new to content marketing, you may expect to see immediate results from your writer.  The fastest way to show these coveted results is for him or her to engage in aggressive SEO techniques. These SEO tricks may initially rank you well, but will harm your website’s ranking over time. After all, these practices are not aligned with Google’s terms of service.

One commonly-used technique is the practice of “keyword stuffing”, where writers may populate your article with commonly-searched keywords. You may find that a few visitors are clicking into your website through that article, but how many are going to stick around to read more?

Writers who employ keyword stuffing often produce awkwardly-structured sentences that do not read well to any discerning visitors. Coupled with a lack of research, your low-priced article is unlikely to personify you as a credible source, much less a thought leader in the industry.


Cheap writers won’t revise their articles for you 

Writers that make a living by writing as many articles as possible will rarely accede to your request for revisions. Unless you are their very first client, a cheap writer will focus on earning money by writing more articles.

On the other hand, good writers that command a higher rate work differently.

For example, our editors and copywriters in Singapore make it a point to stay up to date with the latest industry trends and happenings. Not only does this ensure that we write relevant content for our clients, it allows us to look back on previously-written content and modify them accordingly.


You get what you pay for

Change in circumstances may result in having no choice but to work on a shoestring budget. Although hiring the cheapest option in the market may seem like the most obvious decision to make, it often comes at the expense of quality.

Rather than taking a gamble with cheap copy writers, why not invest your hard-earned money in a team of professionals? It’ll be worth it once you see the difference in client servicing and content quality.


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