Should you write content for your company or website yourself? Or should you hire a professional copywriter to get the job done for you?

As a copywriting company in Singapore, you may think that our answer to that question is a resounding yes.

But the truth is, not everyone needs a copywriter.

Before you jump right into making an uninformed decision, ask yourself the following questions:


Do you have good language skills?

If you’ve scored an A for English Language or have a degree in Mass Communication, chances are, you wouldn’t need a copywriter when you can do all the writing yourself.

As long as you don’t find yourself struggling with grammar, sentence structuring and vocabulary, you can skip over hiring a copywriter.

But if your first language or mother tongue isn’t English and you’re attempting to write articles or case studies for an English-speaking target audience, you should consider hiring a native-speaking writer for the job.


Do you have the time to do everything yourself?

Don’t be surprised to find that people with a seemingly good grasp of the English language still continue to engage copywriters.

Here’s why.

There’s no denying that outsourcing your content needs can be much better for your business than attempting to do everything internally. Not only can you save time and effort on researching, drafting, writing and editing, you can also refocus your attention on your core operations and rake in profits.

Many business owners make the mistake of wanting to do everything themselves. If you’re running on a tight budget, that may very well be the case. But do note that it’s not a sustainable process in the long run.


Do you have the ability to generate new ideas for your content?

The last thing you need holding you back is the inability to think of how and what to write for your company.

Many companies these days understand the importance of content marketing. Go to any company website and you’ll find that a majority have a blog section full of informative articles.

Generating new ideas for these blog posts are never easy. Even the most experienced writers have moments where they lose their ability to be creative. Overcoming writer’s block is not easy, and the number of companies abandoning their blogs is a clear testament to that.

It’s not that consistent blogging doesn’t work. Rather, it’s difficult for any individual to write without occasionally feeling like they’ve reached a creative slump.

Hiring a copywriting company to help you with your content needs may very well be the solution to this problem. This is because copywriting companies have the luxury of working with many content creators and strategists. These writers not only bounce ideas off each other but also have a strong supportive network of people who understand it is a challenging job.


Can you handle criticism of your writing?

Successful copywriters stay at the top of their game because they handle criticism well. Criticism and feedback gets relayed to the writer as the copy goes through rounds of reviews and edits. Once that’s done, it gets presented to the client for approval and publishing.

But if you are writing for yourself, your only feedback will come from your readers and your existing customers. Not everything you churn out for your blog, website or marketing collateral will be deemed satisfactory by them. You may even find your business embroiled in controversy based on inappropriate use of words.

And surely you wouldn’t want your brand and reputation to fall because you failed to run it through a professional?

Just because you can write excellent copy doesn’t mean it’s ideal.

That’s why copywriting companies exist to help businesses create copy from scratch, or provide review and editing services for a smaller fee.

If you’re still unsure if you should hire a copywriting company or agency, request for a consultation. Many firms will be more than happy to address your concerns and provide their perspective, so don’t be afraid to reach out!


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